Saturday, March 6, 2010

Look into my crystal ball...

Event: Inner Power Awareness Psychic Festival
Location: Liverpool, NY
Date: February 21, 2010

Last month my mom and I went to the local Psychic Fair. We go to this event every year, and we always have a good time. The fair doesn't change much from year to year. The center of the room is filled with rocks, stones, and jewelry for sale; circling the room are many tables of psychics, intuitives and palm readers, etc.

I'm not sure how many years we have gone to this thing and I have never had a 'reading'. My mom always does and we usually get a big kick out of what they predict for her. So this year I finally got up the nerve to have a reading done. I'm not sure why I was so nervous - maybe I have watched too many tv shows where the psychic always has such bad news. Anyway, I paid my money and waited patiently for my 15 minutes of fame (no only get 15 minutes).

The woman I chose was an intuitive counselor, that advertised tarot card readings, spirit guide readings, tarot numerology, and spiritual counseling. She seemed like she might just have the info I was looking I had a coupon! :-) She started off by constructing a Tarot Numerology Report. Using your birthdate she figures out your personality type, soul, and, of course, your lucky numbers! Then she asked if I had any specific questions. Thinking nothing of it, I said "Well, I would like to know about my career". Little did I know, that question would be the ONLY topic she would discuss. I had to go as far as to give her the actual career I was envisioning for myself, and then she would consult her tarot cards for the answer. Although the info she gave me was interesting, it was nothing new. Yes, I would need a degree...duh...and it would take me at least 2 years to get it...double duh. Moving along, next I asked about 'spirit guides' and she then tapped into their world to discuss my career as well - not exactly what I was looking for from my spirit guide. How would my spirit guide know if I would be good at accounting or not...shouldn't they be concentrating on how I am feeling spiritually?

Needless to say, my first reading was a bit disappointing, but that certainly won't be the last one I ever get. I am well prepared for next time, and I am definitely not interested in asking any questions.

My mom and I wandered around the fair for over an hour or so. Among many other items, my mom bought a really nice salt lamp - that my kids insisted on tasting. I told them it was a salt lamp not a salt lick - but they're a whole different topic. I took home a very beautiful polished rock that was labeled snakeskin cracked agate. Agate is said to attract strength, and protect from stress, bad dreams and energy drains...and I can surely use all the help I can get.


  1. I've never visited a psychic, reader or any such person. It doesn't surprise me that you basically had to give HER the information.

  2. there is a blogger that does this type of thing...and she i spot on
